

don't worry, you didn't hallucinate that word, it is real, along with this entire site, just stay calm, and try to relax. you're safe, this site is real, and you are safe, you are real, and you aren't hallucinating this site.

this site is for anyone and everyone with schizophrenia, or those trying to learn about it, and don't worry, I will keep things very clear, and concise, and avoid all hallucination-inducing content, so you can read this site easily

this site is a work in progress


this site and all others connected to it is not official medical information, but is rooted from that. it will have links to other resources that are official in many places, however do not take this as official information, nobody involved in the creation of these sites is a medical professional, just people with the disorders, trying to help

this phrase is also located in the footer on every site connected, along with a link to the main hub site, so don't worry if it's there